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Biographical Documentary of The life of Dr. Aklilu Habte

0:34 / 3:14:16

Biographical Documentary of The life of Dr. Aklilu Habte

His excellency Dr. Aklilu Habte was the former President of Haile Selassie 1st University in Addis Ababa. He was also the first Minister of Cultural and Sports of Ethiopia as well as the first Ethiopian and African Directer of Education of the World Bank, UNICEF, and a Fellow of UNESCO.

Produced and directed by Dr. Yohannes Zeleke. A Research Associate at the The National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC.

Special thanks to Weizero Selamawit Wolde-Amanuel, the Aklilu family, Dr. Yayehyiriad Kitew, Professor Demesie Habte, Dejazmuch Wede- Semat, Dr. Yard Aklilu, Ethiopia Alfred, Fantahun Teruneh, Addisu Abebe, Tsega Selasse Tadesse, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopian Studies, SOFIS, and Abbay Media,

Special thanks to her excellency Sahle-Work Zewde, The President of Ethiopia

Executive Producer/Directer: Yohannes Zeleke
Cinematographer: Behailu Mengsha
Advisor: Amaha Aklilu
Music: Tedrose Akilu
Media Partner: Abbay Media
Ownership: The Aklilu Family

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